Event: Meet CUDO Compute at FMX 2023
25th - 27th April 2023
CUDO Compute is a B2B marketplace for available compute resources accessed via Web UI, API, or CLI. We provide enterprises and developers with a singular view of the spare/idle compute resources housed in multiple disparate data centers worldwide, bridging a gap between the distributed supply of compute & its prospective users around the globe.
We will be attending FMX 2023, the Film & Media Exchange, in Stuttgart, Germany from the 25th to 27th of March. Our purpose for attending is to meet up with customers and partners, both existing, new and prospective.
On Thursday 27th April, we are presenting a workshop showing how CUDO Compute harnesses the under-utilised compute power in 100’s of data centers around the globe and how it can slash costs by up to 90% when rendering. Check out the FMX 2023 program.
If you are interested in meeting up with us and having a chat, please reach out below.