Become a supplier

We're looking for infrastructure suppliers to help us build a fairer cloud.

Data centers
Dedicated CUDO engineers

Become a supplier

Why CUDO Compute?

CUDO Compute is a platform that bridges a gap between the distributed supply of compute & its prospective users. Both enabling the monetisation of spare or idle compute & simplifying access to much needed resources.

It is a marketplace that can be accessed via web UI, API or smart contract to provide a singular view into the available compute resources housed in multiple disparate data centers worldwide.

Why become a supplier?

  • Pricing. Dynamically modify pricing to reflect excess or constrained capacity and increase utilisation rates without compromising margins generated from existing customer base.
  • Utilisation & ROCI. Increased utilisation of existing infrastructure will increase margins generated by each server and improve key investment metrics such as Return On Capital Invested (ROCI).
  • Minimal overheads. Minimal overheads as a single contract with CUDO Compute covers all marketplace users and CUDO Compute generates the demand.
CUDO Compute supplier console screenshot

Local & regional data centers

  • Extend market reach. Extend market reach beyond existing core market, sidestep geographic limitations & compete with large/hyper scale capacity providers as part of Cudo's holistic IaaS offering.

International multi-site data centre providers

  • Additional revenue streams. Gain an additive revenue stream through monetising increased utilisation of expensive assets via a channel (distributed cloud) that is distinct from services offered to existing customers.

Edge & internet service providers (ISPs)

  • Edge revenue streams. Generate additive revenue streams from increasing utilisation of existing edge nodes.
  • Expand addressable projects. Expand addressable projects and gain access to revenue from broad global projects beyond the scope of any single provider.

Enterprise owners of HPC hubs

  • Monetise under-utilised hardware. Redefines the economics of an enterprise's infrastructure investment. Enterprises choose a blend of in-house, central cloud and distributed cloud resources and invests accordingly.
  • Reduce hardware investment risk. Securely monetising spare/under-utilised capacity means that enterprises can simultaneously support higher investment levels whilst reducing the cost of bursting onto external providers.
  • Control. Enterprise has full control of the allocation of its assets, dynamically mixing in-house priorities with external demand to maximise efficient and sustainable use of its resources.

Crypto currency mining farms

  • Higher returns. Higher returns available from leasing high powered GPU capacity through CUDO Compute.
  • Reduce hardware investment risk. Addresses volatility and reduced volume in cryptocurrency mining due to shift towards proof of stake (PoS).

Trusted by our industry partners

  • NVIDIA logo
  • AMD logo
  • blendergrid logo
  • nucocloud logo
  • dpp logo

Interested in becoming a supplier?

If you are interested in becoming a supplier on the CUDO Compute platform, fill out the form below and we will be in touch.