Security groups

A guide on how to create and manage security groups on the Cudo Compute platform.


Navigate to your project by clicking "Projects" on the sidebar and clicking on the project of your choice.

From here, you can select "Security groups" from the sidebar.

Project overview

If you haven't created a security group before, you will see the quick start for creating a security group. Clicking Create a security group will take you to the Create a Security Group page. Create a security group getting started

Create a security group

When you navigate to the create a security group page you will need to enter the details to create the kind of security group you need.

Create a security group

Once you have given your security group an ID, you can choose the data center you wish to deploy it to as well as a description for your security group.

  • Security group ID - this is the name of your security group, it must be unique
  • Data center - this is the data center that your security group will be deployed to
  • Description - this is a description of your security group

Create a security group filled out

Once you are happy, click "Create security group" and your security group will be deployed to the data center you selected.

This will create a security group with no rules applied. You will need to add rules to your security group to allow traffic to your virtual machines.

Managing security group rules

Clicking the security group name from the security group list will show you the security group rules page.

You will be able to see the security group ID and a list of the rules that you have added to your security group.

Security group rules list

Adding a security group rule

To add a security group rule, click the "Add rule" button.

Security group add rule

Next, you will need to enter the details of the rule you wish to add.

  • Direction - this is the direction of the traffic you wish to allow (inbound or outbound)
  • Protocol - this is the protocol of the traffic you wish to allow (All, TCP, UDP, ICMP, ICMPv6, IPsec)
  • IP range - _this is the IP range of the traffic you wish to allow
  • Ports - this is the port range of the traffic you wish to allow (only valid for TCP or UDP protocols)
  • ICMP type - this is the ICMP type of the traffic you wish to allow (only valid for ICMP or ICMPv6 protocols)

Security group add rule filled out

Once you are happy, click "Save" and your rule will be added to your security group.

Removing a security group rule

To remove a security group rule, click the "Remove" button next to the rule you wish to remove and confirm that you wish to remove the rule.

Security group remove rule

Viewing all of your security groups

From the security groups page, you can see all of the security groups that you have deployed.

You will be able to see the security group ID, data center, gateway IP address, address range and status.

Security group list

Delete a security group

To delete a security group, click the options button next to the security group you wish to delete and click "Delete".

You will need to confirm that you wish to delete the security group by entering the security group ID.

Be careful when deleting a security group as this will remove all rules that you have applied when deploying your virtual machines.

Delete security group

Deploy a virtual machine with your security group applied

See Deploy a virtual machine.