
Recommended pricing when you offer hardware on our network as a supplier.

When you come onboard as a CUDO Compute supplier, we allow you to set your own pricing for each asset within your hardware that can currently be monetised. Currently, we support the ability to price as follows:

  • Cost per vCPU hour
  • Cost per GiB memory hour
  • Cost per GiB local disk hour
  • Cost per GPU hour

We will be adding the ability to charge for additional resources, such as IPv4 addresses soon!

Here are some examples of pricing already live on our network. Please note that you are welcome to choose any pricing you wish, but the below is a good example of what we have seen successful on our platform to date.

Per vCPU (hour)$0.0021$0.0050
Per GiB Memory (hour)$0.0013$0.0050
Per GiB Storage (hour)$0.0001$0.0025

We have many different types, models and generations of CPUs available, example pricing shown is to illustrate this range.

For GPUs however, we have provided the average cost of a subset of examples on our platform.

Hourly PriceAverage
NVIDIA RTX 3080$0.07
NVIDIA RTX A4000$0.29
NVIDIA RTX A5000$0.52
NVIDIA RTX A6000$0.78

If you are interested in becoming a supplier on our network, please reach out to us and we can work with you to come up with commercially attractive pricing to enable you successfully monetise your spare compute power.