Manage a network

A guide on how to view and manage private networks on CUDO Compute

Viewing all of your networks

From the networks page, you can see all of the networks that you have deployed.

You will be able to see the network ID, data center gateway IP address, IP range and the network state.

View a network

Clicking the network name from the network list will show you the network details page.

You will be able to see the network ID, data center gateway IP address, IP range and the network state.

You can also see which virtual machines are connected to the network.

Delete a network

To delete a network, click "Settings" from the sidebar and then click "Delete network" from the delete network card on the settings page.

You will only be able to delete a network if there are no virtual machines connected to it. See Delete a virtual machine.

Deploy a virtual machine to your network

See Deploy a virtual machine.