Virtual Machine - Disk Management

A guide on how to manage virtual machine disks on the Cudo Compute platform.


Create or navigate to your virtual machine of choice and you will notice a section for Disks.

This will show all of the disks that are attached to the virtual machine, both boot disks and additional disks that have been created and attached via the disks section of the Cudo Compute platform.

Virtual Machine Disks

Create image from disk

You can create an image from any boot disk that is connected to a virtual machine. Simply click on the 3 dots and select "Create image from disk". This will open a slideover to allow you to set a name for your disk image and an optional description. It will also show the hourly price that it will cost to store this image.

Virtual Machine Disks - Create image from disk

Once this image has been created, you can view it in the disks section, and will also be able to Create a virtual machine using this disk image.

Resize disk

You can increase the size of any boot disk that is connected to a virtual machine. Simply click on the 3 dots and select "Resize disk" and select the new size that you require your boot disk to be.

Virtual Machine Disks - Resize disk

Please note that is not possible to reduce the size of a boot disk or resize a detachable disk.

Detach disk

If you have already attached a disk to a virtual machine from the disks section, you can detach it from the virtual machine from the virtual machine page. Click the 3 dots and select "Detach disk", you will be asked to confirm your action and then the disk will be detached from the VM, enabling it to be attached to another virtual machine.

Virtual Machine Disks - Detach disk