Are CPUs better than GPUs For Larger ML Datasets?

Learn why CPUs sometimes outperform GPUs in TensorFlow or Keras when handling massive datasets. Use this knowledge for improved machine learning performance.

7 min read

Emmanuel Ohiri

Emmanuel Ohiri

Are CPUs better than GPUs For Larger ML Datasets? cover photo

In Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL), the use of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) has gained considerable traction due to their superior performance in comparison to Central Processing Units (CPUs) for a myriad of tasks. This edge is due to the GPU's parallel architecture and quick memory access, which are particularly adept at handling matrix multiplications, a cornerstone operation in deep learning algorithms.

However, this doesn't render CPUs obsolete. A CPU can demonstrate better efficiency in specific scenarios, particularly when managing vast datasets in frameworks like TensorFlow or Keras. CPUs are designed for general-purpose tasks and might have memory bandwidth and management advantages. This ensures that large-scale data operations can handle bottlenecks typically seen in GPU memory constraints.

Understanding the CPU vs. GPU Debate

As previously discussed, for certain tasks, GPUs are typically faster than CPUs because they have more cores to process parallel workloads efficiently. A GPU, for example, can outperform the most advanced CPU in data centre inference and image recognition tests. However, this doesn't mean GPUs consistently outperform CPUs for all tasks.

The performance gap between CPUs and GPUs narrows when dealing with large datasets that don't fit in memory. GPUs have faster memory (VRAM) but often in limited amounts, while CPUs can access larger system RAM. This can be a limitation for massive datasets that don’t fit into the GPU's VRAM. When the dataset is too large to fit into the GPU memory, the data must be transferred from the CPU to the GPU in chunks, which can slow down the overall processing speed.

When Should You Use CPUs for Machine Learning?

The key advantage of CPUs over GPUs is their ability to handle large datasets that do not fit into GPU memory. Because CPUs can access system memory (RAM), they are not constrained by the onboard memory limitations that GPUs face, making them more suitable for specific ML/DL models requiring extensive memory usage.

Additionally, CPUs excel at tasks requiring sequential processing due to their design, which focuses on rapidly processing complex instructions. Data preprocessing, in particular, can benefit from the high clock speeds of modern CPUs. While the throughput from GPU clusters might often surpass CPU throughput for many models and frameworks, when working with massive datasets in platforms like TensorFlow or Keras, the CPU's aptitude for managing data that exceeds GPU memory becomes evident.

How to Utilise CPUs with TensorFlow and Keras

TensorFlow and Keras are popular frameworks for developing machine learning models. Both provide support for CPU and GPU computations. However, CPU utilisation can be optimised when working with larger datasets in several ways.

1. Parallel Processing: TensorFlow can parallelise computations across CPU cores using its built-in method. This approach distributes the workload efficiently across cores, reducing model training time.

2. Effective Data Batching: With TensorFlow’s method, you can group your dataset into mini-batches. This makes memory usage efficient and can improve the stability of gradient descent by averaging the gradients across multiple data points in a batch.

3. Direct Disk Streaming in Keras: Keras's ImageDataGenerator class allows on-the-fly data processing and data augmentation directly from the disk. Using iterators, data is fed into the model sequentially without loading the entire dataset into memory, minimising memory overhead.

4. Optimized Math Libraries: Incorporating libraries like Math Kernel Library (MKL) can offer significant speedups. TensorFlow can be built from a source with MKL support, allowing it to utilise optimised routines for operations like matrix multiplications.

5. Dedicated CPU Operations: Certain operations, especially those not reliant on matrix mathematics, can be offloaded to the CPU even in a GPU setup. By using TensorFlow’s with tf.device('/cpu:0'): directive, you can specify operations to run on the CPU.

6. Memory Management: TensorFlow's method can cache data in memory or local storage. This ensures that data is fetched rapidly during training, minimising CPU idle times, which is especially useful when the dataset is too large to fit into GPU memory but can be accommodated in system RAM.

7. Dynamic Data Augmentation in Keras: The ImageDataGenerator class in Keras also supports real-time data augmentation, like rotations, shifts, and flips. This way, the CPU can generate diverse training samples on the fly, enhancing the model's generalisation ability.

8. Thread Optimisation: TensorFlow allows control over the number of threads used for parallel processing through tf.config.threading.set_inter_op_parallelism_threads and tf.config.threading.set_intra_op_parallelism_threads. Adjusting these can ensure optimal CPU utilisation without thread contention.

9. Prefetching Data: By employing the []( transformation, TensorFlow overlaps the preprocessing and model execution of a training step. While the model is executing training on one batch, the input pipeline can read and preprocess data for the next batch.

10. Optimizing CPU Cache Utilization: Arranging data in contiguous blocks and minimising random memory access can help utilise CPU cache better—tools like can be used judiciously to ensure that while randomness is introduced in the data, cache locality is not overly compromised.

Opt for Cloud Computing Solutions

When working with larger datasets, the choice of infrastructure becomes critical. Here's where Cloud Computing services like CUDO Compute can be beneficial. Their diverse capabilities provide an environment conducive to handling large volumes of data, irrespective of whether you're using a CPU or GPU.

CUDO Compute's platform offers scalable resources, meaning you can choose the right configuration based on your workload requirements. Whether you need high-CPU instances for handling large datasets or GPU-enabled instances for parallel processing, CUDO Compute covers you.

The platform also ensures efficient utilisation of resources. It optimises the CPU and GPU usage, reducing the chances of bottlenecks during data preprocessing. This way, users can maximise the performance of their ML/DL models, regardless of the size of their dataset.

While GPUs are generally more powerful than CPUs, there are scenarios where CPUs can outperform GPUs, especially when dealing with large datasets that exceed the GPU memory. Businesses can make the most of CPUs and GPUs by leveraging a versatile cloud computing platform like CUDO Compute, ensuring optimal performance for their machine learning models.

Remember, the key to success is choosing the right hardware and optimising the software and infrastructure. You can efficiently reach your objectives with the right approach and tools, even when working with massive datasets in TensorFlow or Keras.

About CUDO Compute

CUDO Compute is a fairer cloud computing platform for everyone. It provides access to distributed resources by leveraging underutilised computing globally on idle data centre hardware. It allows users to deploy virtual machines on the world’s first democratised cloud platform, finding the optimal resources in the ideal location at the best price.

CUDO Compute aims to democratise the public cloud by delivering a more sustainable economic, environmental, and societal model for computing by empowering businesses and individuals to monetise unused resources.

Our platform allows organisations and developers to deploy, run and scale based on demands without the constraints of centralised cloud environments. As a result, we realise significant availability, proximity and cost benefits for customers by simplifying their access to a broader pool of high-powered computing and distributed resources at the edge.

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