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Top 10 cloud GPU platforms for deep learning in 2024

Emmanuel Ohiri

Emmanuel Ohiri

Deep learning has transformed industries across the board, but its computational demands for training and inference often present a hurdle. Cloud GPU platforms offer researchers and developers scalable, affordable access to high-performance computing resources essential for deep learning projects. Eliminating the need for substantial hardware investments, these platforms democratize access to cutting-edge technology, providing easy and, in some cases, inexpensive access to computing resources.

In this article, we rank the top ten cloud GPU platforms tailored for deep learning. Our evaluation is based on broad criteria, including availability, pricing structures, and suitability for specific use cases. We'll weigh the strengths and weaknesses of each platform, empowering you to make an informed decision that aligns with your deep-learning needs.


But first, let's discuss our selection criteria.

Criteria for Ranking Cloud GPU Platforms

Choosing the right cloud GPU platform for your deep learning projects is an important decision that can determine a successful research, development, and deployment process. To ensure you make an informed choice, we've carefully considered a set of criteria in our evaluation of the top ten contenders:

Hardware Availability:

  • GPU Options: The variety and availability of GPU models (e.g., NVIDIA A100, V100, A40) to cater to different performance and budget requirements.
  • vCPU and RAM Configurations: The flexibility in choosing CPU and memory resources to match your specific workload demands.
  • Storage Options: Availability of high-performance storage solutions like NVMe SSDs for fast data access and processing.
  • Networking: The speed and reliability of the network infrastructure for efficient data transfer and communication.
  • Benchmark Results: Comparison of performance benchmarks on standard deep learning tasks (e.g., image classification, natural language processing) to gauge real-world performance.

Pricing Structures:

  • On-Demand Pricing: The cost per hour for different GPU instances, allowing for flexible usage and scalability.
  • Spot Instances: Availability of spot instances at potentially lower costs, ideal for fault-tolerant workloads.
  • Preemptible Instances: Similar to spot instances, these offer cost savings but may be interrupted by the provider.
  • Long-Term Commitments: Discounts or reserved instance pricing for users with predictable workloads.

Software and Ecosystem:

  • Deep Learning Frameworks: Pre-installed support for popular frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras for seamless development.
  • Libraries and Tools: Availability of pre-configured deep learning libraries and tools (e.g., CUDA, cuDNN) to streamline development and optimization.
  • Machine Images: Pre-built images with optimized software configurations for quick deployment.
  • Integration with Other Services: Integration with other cloud services (e.g., storage, databases, machine learning platforms) for comprehensive workflows.

Ease of Use:

  • User Interface: The intuitiveness and user-friendliness of the platform's dashboard or interface.
  • API: Availability of a well-documented API for programmatic control and automation.
  • Documentation and Tutorials: Comprehensive resources to help users get started and troubleshoot issues.

Customer Support:

  • Responsiveness: The availability and responsiveness of customer support channels (e.g., email, phone, chat).
  • Expertise: The knowledge and expertise of support staff in addressing deep learning-specific issues.

Additional Features:

  • Collaboration Tools: Features facilitating collaboration among team members on deep learning projects.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Tools for tracking resource usage, performance, and troubleshooting errors.
  • Security: Robust security measures to protect data and intellectual property.

Whether you prioritize hardware availability, cost-effectiveness, ease of use, or a specific feature, this comprehensive ranking will guide you toward the optimal solution for your project.

Let’s discuss the individual evaluations of each of the top ten cloud GPU platforms, showcasing their strengths and weaknesses.

Top Ten Cloud GPU Platforms

  1. CUDO Compute:



  • Wide range of NVIDIA GPUs. CUDO Compute gets early access to the latest NVIDIA GPUs, providing a competitive edge for cutting-edge deep learning research and development.
  • Uses underutilized computing resources, often making it more affordable than traditional cloud providers, especially for GPU-intensive tasks like deep learning.
  • Operates a green model, provisioning cloud clusters running on eco-friendly energy sources and contributing to a more sustainable AI industry.
  • Allows organizations to monetize their idle hardware, democratizing the cloud, and lowering compute costs.
  • Designed to work seamlessly with popular frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch.
  • Provides personalized contracts tailored to customer needs.
  • User friendly.


  • CUDO Compute is a relatively new platform. While it has a growing community, the level of support and resources might not be as extensive as more established providers.

Result of Llama 3 benchmarked on CUDO Compute’s A40 GPUs.


  1. Amazon Web Services (AWS):



  • Boasts the largest and most comprehensive global cloud infrastructure, with data centers in numerous regions worldwide, ensuring high availability and low application latency.
  • Offers a vast array of cloud services, covering compute, storage, databases, analytics, machine learning, IoT, and more, providing a one-stop shop for diverse cloud computing needs.
  • Enables effortless scaling of resources up or down based on demand, ensuring optimal performance and cost efficiency for applications with fluctuating workloads.
  • Prioritizes security, providing robust measures to protect data and infrastructure and adhering to various compliance standards to meet industry-specific requirements.
  • Has a massive and vibrant community of users, developers, and partners, offering extensive resources, support, and collaboration opportunities.


  • The breadth and depth of AWS services can be overwhelming for newcomers, requiring a significant learning curve to navigate and utilize effectively.
  • While AWS offers a pay-as-you-go model, managing costs can be challenging, especially with complex architectures and unpredictable workloads.
  • Migrating applications and data away from AWS can be difficult and costly due to the platform's proprietary features and integrations.
  • While extensive documentation is available, finding specific information or troubleshooting complex issues can sometimes be challenging.
  • Although rare, AWS has experienced occasional service disruptions or outages, potentially impacting business continuity for critical applications.
  • The cloud computing landscape is becoming increasingly competitive, with other providers offering compelling alternatives to AWS.
  1. Google Cloud Platform (GCP):


  • Excels in data processing and machine learning with powerful tools like BigQuery and AutoML.
  • Pioneered Kubernetes and offers robust container orchestration services.
  • Often offers competitive pricing compared to AWS and Azure.
  • Has strong serverless offerings like Cloud Functions and App Engine.
  • Heavily invested in open-source technologies.


  • Has a smaller market share compared to AWS and Azure, which can lead to less mature features and community support in some areas.
  • Has traditionally been less focused on enterprise solutions than its competitors.
  1. Microsoft Azure:


  • Excels in hybrid cloud environments, seamlessly integrating with on-premise infrastructure.
  • Caters well to enterprise needs with extensive security and compliance features.
  • Integrates tightly with Microsoft products and services, making it a natural choice for organizations using Microsoft technologies.
  • Offers excellent support for .NET development.


  • Azure's pricing model can be complex and difficult to understand.
  • The vastness of Azure's services can lead to a steep learning curve especially for users focused on deep learning.
  1. IBM Cloud:



  • known for its enterprise-grade security and compliance features.
  • IBM has made significant investments in open-source technologies, particularly with Red Hat.
  • Offers a range of AI and cognitive computing services through Watson.


  • Has a smaller community compared to major competitors.
  • Pricing can be complex and confusing.
  • Has a steep learning curve for new users.
  1. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI):



  • known for its high-performance computing capabilities.
  • Oracle's database expertise translates to strong database offerings on OCI.
  • Often offers aggressive pricing to attract new customers.


  • OCI has a smaller community compared to major cloud providers.
  • Has a steep learning curve for those unfamiliar with Oracle technologies.
  1. Tencent Cloud:



  • Has a dominant presence in China and a growing presence in other Asian markets.
  • Offers specialized solutions for gaming companies.
  • Often provides competitive pricing compared to global providers.


  • Tencent Cloud's presence outside of Asia is still developing.
  • Documentation and support may be primarily in Chinese.
  • Some businesses may have concerns about data privacy and regulations in China.
  1. Lambda Labs:


  • Offers powerful GPU instances optimized for deep learning and other demanding workloads.
  • Provides customizable configurations to meet specific needs.
  • Charges only for the resources used.


  • Primarily focused on GPU instances and lacks the breadth of services offered by larger providers.
  • May not be suitable for large-scale or enterprise deployments.
  1. Paperspace:



  • Offers affordable and powerful GPU instances for machine learning and other computationally intensive tasks.
  • Has a user-friendly interface and is easy to get started with.
  • Has an active community of users and developers.


  • Primarily focused on GPU instances and lacks the breadth of services offered by larger providers.
  • May not be suitable for large-scale or enterprise deployments.
  • Support resources may not be as extensive as larger cloud providers.
  1. CoreWeave:


Scalable GPU solutions with Kubernetes-based infrastructure, emphasis on flexibility and scalability, range of NVIDIA GPUs (A100, V100), suitable for complex deep learning projects, supports collaborative notebooks and experiment tracking.


Steeper learning curve for users unfamiliar with Kubernetes and potentially higher complexity for simple workloads.

Cloud Platforms Ranked

To help you choose the best platform for your needs, here’s a comparative analysis of the top ten cloud GPU platforms based on key criteria.

PlatformPerformanceScalabilityPricingEase of UseSupport & DocsIntegration & CompatibilitySecurity
CUDO ComputeHighHighLowEasyGoodGoodHigh
AWSHighHighVariesMediumExcellentVery GoodHigh
Google Cloud PlatformHighHighVariesMediumVery GoodVery GoodHigh
Microsoft AzureHighHighHighMediumVery GoodVery GoodHigh
Lambda LabsMediumMediumMediumEasyGoodGoodMedium
Oracle Cloud IHighHighMediumMediumGoodVery GoodHigh
IBM CloudHighHighVariesMediumGoodVery GoodHigh
Tencent CloudHighHighVariesMediumGoodGoodHigh


  • Performance: Based on available GPU options, benchmark results, and overall processing power.
  • Scalability: Ability to easily scale resources up or down to match changing workload demands.
  • Pricing: Relative cost of GPU instances, including on-demand, spot, and reserved pricing options.
  • Ease of Use: User-friendliness of the platform interface, API, and documentation.
  • Support & Docs: Quality and availability of customer support channels and documentation resources.
  • Integration & Compatibility: Integration with other cloud services, tools, and deep learning frameworks.
  • Security: Robustness of security measures to protect data and infrastructure.

Other notable mention:

  • Vast.ai: Vast.ai's marketplace model provides a unique advantage for users seeking flexibility and diverse GPU options. You can compare and choose the most suitable GPU resources from various providers, often at competitive prices.

Disclaimer: This table provides a general overview and may not reflect all nuances of each platform. It's essential to conduct further research and consider your specific needs and priorities before making a decision.

Our Verdict

Choosing the ideal cloud GPU platform for deep learning hinges on your needs, budget, and priorities. However, based on our comprehensive evaluation, we consider these the top choices depending on the project’s scale:

For budget-conscious users:

  • CUDO Compute: CUDO Compute is a compelling choice for budget-conscious users. With highly scalable and tailored resources, CUDO Compute offers a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional cloud GPUs. Its a practical option for users who prioritize affordability and sustainability. The platform's user-friendly interface and simple setup process make it accessible for projects of all sizes.

For large-scale, demanding workloads:

  • AWS, GCP, Microsoft Azure: These established cloud providers offer the most powerful and scalable GPU instances for demanding deep learning workloads. While they come with a higher price tag, they also have extensive resources, support, and ecosystem integration, making them a good investment for enterprise-level projects and research requiring top-tier performance.

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